Interior Design
CategoryThe Glass Full of Nota Bene
We are drawing nearer and nearer to an appreciation of the power which Cookery wields in the preservation of health, but this [...]
Feltmag Stories: Waiting on Clara
We love how everything was kept simple, with the plywood surfaces adding a warm feel against the walls painted in a warm and vivid white.
The Omega Project of Kelly Ash
The environment you work in can have an incredible effect on your energy, creativity and focus— but, let’s be real, you don’t have time to read a textbook on color psychology.
The touch of gold in Italo Bassi’s latest restaurant
Some people like to group by colors, others like to group by occasions or season. You start reaching for items with muscle memory rather than with a fresh eye.
What to see at Dubai Design Week 2017
One of my biggest wardrobe „aha!” moments was when I found my sleeveless, mustard turtleneck crumpled on the closet.
The Mid Century Project · Kalowski House
Heat sinks are typically made of aluminum or copper and have fins or pins that work to expedite the heat transfer to the surrounding fluid.